Rayong Asian Cup 2019

So I finally got a job and am now able to compete in various triathlon competitions world wide. I decided to start off with the Asian Cup in Rayong, Thailand, which was not only my first Asian Cup but also my first race as an U23 athlete.

Myself an a few mates of mine from Eclipse Performance Centre decided to head over to Thailand on Jan 22nd. We arrived the next morning and drove from Bangkok to Rayong where the race was held. The first couple of days consisted of a few training sessions as well as race course familiarisation prior to the race. 

Friday was race day and I was feeling pretty fresh but also a tad tired from travelling and lack of food as I was limited to what I could eat (incase you didn't know, I’m 3 years Vegan and lived off rice and pizza for the week we were away from home). Anyways, I completed my pre race warm up and found myself lining up in my prime position on the very end as far away from everyone as I know thats where I start best. Apart from being stung by a million sea lice, I came top 3 out of the water with the leaders. I lost a little bit of time in transition and had to bridge the gap to the front pack. There was six of us in the group and I wanted to make sure we kept the gap from the chase group so I worked hard pulling the group forward to give myself more time as I knew that my run leg isn't at its peak and still needs a lot of work. I was a bit annoyed that the pack wasn't working as hard as I would have liked them to but hey not much you can do.  

As I set off onto the run leg, I felt a little fatigued but still put in a gut worthy effort. I held off the chase pack for as long as I could but got overtaken after the first lap of the four lap run course. It was a bit difficult racing in a humid environment but I did the best that I could and came away with a top 10 position (9th) giving myself a few points and now an ITU ranking which might not be high, as it was my first Asian Cup but at least its a start.

Following the race we spent a few nights in Pattaya and I treated myself to a couple days off after working hard training since May of 2018 as well as being fully recovered from my glute tear back in October. 

Now that I'm back in Perth, its time for my next training block before I head over to Devonport, Tasmania for my first Oceanic Cup of the season. 

Stay tuned as I’ve got a couple more exciting races planned for this season


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