
Showing posts from April, 2019

Bali Super League Qualifier

What an experience Bali Super League was! Day one began with a 1.6km run time trial as Stage one of the Equaliser. It started in alphabetical order and 10 seconds apart. I was the last one to start, so I did my best to try and minimise any time loss to the other girls ahead of me. I ended up coming in with a time of 5.51, setting me back 41 seconds behind the leader for Stage Two of the Equaliser later on in the day.  A few hours later was when Stage Two began. The format for this race was a continuous 2x (300/5/1.6). I got to the athlete's lounge an hour before the race to warm up and set up my transition. About 20 minutes before my race was due to start, I did a big swim warm up to ensure I had a strong swim as I knew I had some time to make up. The waves were crashing right on shore where the sand was, almost like the same consistency of quick sand, not to mention the strong rips and currents, so I had to put my open water swimming abilities to great use....